Thursday, June 25, 2009

More things they do right in Spain

The Spanish seem to be all over the alternative energy issue. I have seen a half-dozen solar plants, two natural-gas power plants, and about 500 windmills. Moreover, there are trucks with giant, 80-foot windmill blades all over the highways.

They are also pretty serious about conservation here. Despite the heat, lots of places don't use air-conditioners. My apartment building turns the AC off at midnight (very unfortunately). Most of the hotels (and this apartment) require you to place your key-card in a special switch activate the power. When no one is home, nothing is left on (except my refrigerator... I think).

Spain seems to be a bit ahead of Italy in this regard, which seemed to have a lot more nuclear power plants.

Good luck trying to see the dozens of windmills in this picture...

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