Saturday, May 16, 2009

Things I noticed while touring the walls...

So these are more walls, and again you can see the three levels of construction, Roman, Arabic, and Christian.

Notice the two trees in the foreground. They are young trees on a boulevard full of mature trees. These two are replacements for a pair of mature locusts which got "topped" of all their branches, and died. I was not sure why, but, to the right from the perspective of this photograph is what must be a terribly expensive apartment built atop part of the walls. I think these trees were obstructing the view of some rich people. Perhaps Europe is losing touch with the goals of their liberal revolutions. Meritocracy becomes oligarchy. What is better, a noble ruling class who got their by means of the sword (or at least their ancestors did so), or a wealthy ruling class who got there by means of capital? Both would probably cut down trees for their view.
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